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Griaule Fingerprint Sdk 2009 With 127: A Review of Its Performance and Accuracy


Definitions and AcronymsIDE - An Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) is a software that assists programmers to developsoftware. It normally consists of a source code editor, a compilerand/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and (usually) adebugger. The Fingerprint SDK ActiveX Component can be used in manyIDEs, like Microsoft Visual Studio and Borland Delphi. DLL - ADynamic Link Library (DLL) is a shared library used in MicrosoftWindows. A single instance of a shared library can be used by manyrunning programs without being replicated for each program, savingRAM and disk space. The Fingerprint SDK library can be used as aWindows DLL. SDK - A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set ofdevelopment tools, documents, libraries and/or sample codes thatallows a programmer to create applications for a certain softwarepackage. The Fingerprint SDK allows a programmer to createapplications with biometric capabilities. FRR - The False RejectionRate (FRR) is defined as the percentage of identification instancesin which false rejection occurs. It's normally expressed as aprobability. FAR - The False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is the measureof the likelihood that the biometric security system willincorrectly accept an access attempt by an unauthorized user. DPI -The Dots per Inch (DPI) measure indicates the resolution of images.The more dots per inch, the higher the resolution. The DPI is animportant information about fingerprint images, affecting both theimage quality and matching accuracy. Template - A template is thefeature set extracted from a fingerprint image. The verificationand identification functions in Fingerprint SDK library works onlywith templates. Once the template is extracted the library doesn'tneed the fingerprint image anymore for any verification oridentification process. Callback - The callback scheme is used inevent-driven programs where the program registers a function (a"callback handler") to handle a certain event. The program does notcall the handler directly: when the event

Getting StartedFingerprint SDK is a fingerprint recognitionlibrary that comes packaged with a Software Development Kit (SDK),allowing you to integrate biometrics in a wide range ofapplications. Thanks to its support for several programminglanguages, richness of code samples, and its thoroughdocumentation, you'll start developing your application in a matterof minutes. Quick Start Guide Features What's New on FingerprintSDK About Fingerprint SDK Editions Upgrading from GrFinger 4.2 toFingerprint SDK FingerCap USB Driver Licensing Support

Griaule Fingerprint Sdk 2009 With 127

Fingerprint Readers SupportUsually the SDKs provided by thefingerprint readers manufacturers support only their own devices.The support for multiple readers in Fingerprint SDK allows you tochoose the more suitable reader for your needs. It also makes thedeployment of such devices easier and assures that you will be ableto choose the one that fits your customer's needs even after yourapplication deployment. Supported Fingerprint Readers MicrosoftFingerprint Reader Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer withFingerprint Reader Microsoft Optical Desktop with FingerprintReader DigitalPersona U.Are.U 4000 DigitalPersona U.Are.U 4000BTestech Bio-I CYTE Secugen Hamster III M2SYS M2-S FingerprintReader Biotouch / Futronic FS80 Nitgen Hamster I / Hamster IICertis Image Orcanthus Crossmatch V250 / V300 / V300 LC / V300 LC2/ V500 Fingerprint SDK multiple readers support allows using on asingle machine, and at the same time, one Crossmatch device, up to127 Testech devices, one Secugen device or one Nitgen device, oneCertis device, up to 127 M2SYS devices, up to 127 Futronic devices,up to 127 DigitalPersona devices and up to 127 Microsoftdevices.

What's New on Fingerprint SDKAdded support to MicrosoftFingerprint Reader version 2.0 (PID 0x00CA) directly on fingercapdriver; Added support to Biotouch / Futronic FS80 directly onfingercap; Added support to Nitgen Hamster I / Hamster II; Addedsupport to Certis Image Orcanthus; Added support to MicrosoftWireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint Reader directly onfingercap; Added support to Certis Image Orcanthus; Added supportto Microsoft Optical Desktop with Fingerprint Reader directly onfingercap; Added support to M2SYS M2-S Fingerprint Reader directlyon fingercap; Added support of Bio-i Cyte directly on fingercap;Improved support for all fingerprint readers; Added plugins to allsupported fingerprint readers; Dropped support for Windows NT / 98/ Me; Fixed some minor bugs from GrFinger 4.2; Improved robustness;Dropped the banner added to the fingerprint images displayed whenrunnning trial license; Added splash screen when initializing thelibrary using trial license; Dropped the editions FULL and LIGHT.And added the editions IDENTIFICATION and VERIFICATION.

If Microsoft, DigitalPersona, Futronic FS80, M2SYS M2-S or Bio-ICyte fingerprint readers are used, you must remove themanufacturer's device driver and install the FingerCap USB Driver.For further information check Fingerprint Readers compatible withGriaule FingerCap USB Driver installation section.

FingerCap USB DriverThe FingerCap USB Driver is the new devicedriver used by Fingerprint SDK for some USB fingerprint readers. Itreplaces completely the manufacturer's device driver orapplication, simplifying the application installation anddeployment. The FingerCap USB Driver 1.2 supports the followingfingerprint readers: Microsoft Fingerprint Reader DigitalPersonaU.Are.U 4000 DigitalPersona U.Are.U 4000B Bio-I Cyte Biotouch /Futronic FS80 Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer withFingerprint Reader Microsoft Optical Desktop with FingerprintReader M2SYS M2-S The FingerCap USB Driver 1.2 works on thefollowing operating systems: Windows Vista Windows Server 2003Windows XP Professional Windows XP Home Edition Windows XP MediaCenter Edition Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Windows 2000 (ServicePack 2 or later recommended)

Directory Description bin Contains all the files needed byFingerprint SDK library. This folder contains (among others):GrFinger.dll (DLL), GrFingerX.dll (ActiveX) and GrFingerJava.dll(JNI for Windows). The Fingerprint SDK documentation files.Fingerprint SDK Developer's Manual ENUS.chm: This manual.Fingerprint SDK Java: Fingerprint SDK for Windows JavaDoc.Fingerprint SDK Applet Installer: Fingerprint SDK applet helper forWindows JavaDoc. images include lib Some fingerprint images fortesting purposes (mainly playing with the samples without having toinstall a fingerprint reader). Import files for some of thesupported languages (DLL only). GrFinger.lib, a library to accessFingerprint SDK in your C++ and C++.NET applications.

Fingerprint Readers InstallationSupported fingerprint readers:Microsoft Fingerprint Reader DigitalPersona U.Are.U 4000DigitalPersona U.Are.U 4000B Bio-I Cyte Biotouch / Futronic FS80Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint ReaderMicrosoft Optical Desktop with Fingerprint Reader M2SYS M2-S

Furthermore, each context has its own matching parameters,making it possible to create different identification orverification environments. For example, in a two-level securitybiometric application, instead of tightening or lowering thematching parameters depending on the security level beforeperforming a matching, two contexts, each one with the appropriatematching parameters, may be created; any fingerprint matching isthen performed in a context corresponding to the right securitylevel.

Deploying a Fingerprint SDK Based ApplicationThis sectionpresents the files that are required to be packaged with aFingerprint SDK based application in order to have it working wheninstalled. The fingerprint reader installation procedure on anymachine where the application will be installed is the same asdescribed in the Fingerprint Readers Installation section.

Fingerprint reader supportThe following files must be packagedwith all Fingerprint SDK based applications supporting theFingerprint Readers compatible with Griaule FingerCap USB Driver:CapPluginFingercap.dll The following files must be packaged withall Fingerprint SDK based applications supporting the SecugenHamster III / Nitgen Hamster I / Hamster II fingerprint readers:CapPluginHamster.dll NBioBSP.dll The following files must bepackaged with all Fingerprint SDK based applications supporting theCertis Image Orcanthus fingerprint reader: CapPluginCertis.dllCertisExports.dll Id3BiokeyDll.dll The following files must bepackaged with all Fingerprint SDK based applications supporting theCrossmatch fingerprint readers: CapPluginCrossMatch.dll

ExampleIf an application uses Fingerprint SDK ActiveX componentand supports the Nitgen Hamster I and Microsoft fingerprintreaders, the following files must be packaged with it: GrFinger.dllpthreadVC2.dll GrFingerX.dll (must also be registered in the targetcomputer with the regsvr32 tool) CapPluginFingercap.dllCapPluginHamster.dll NBioBSP.dll

Fingerprint SDK 2009 Developer's ManualAll files required byFingerprint SDK can be found in the "bin" folder in the SDK rootfolder. The list of supported fingerprint readers is available inthe Fingerprint Readers Support section.

Fingerprint SDK 2009 Developer's Manual// Getting the templatewith the supplied ID from the database. tptRef :=DB.getTemplate(id); if ((tptRef.tpt = nil) or (tptRef.size _tpt,GR_DEFAULT_CONTEXT); // Getting the current template from therecordset. tptRef = _DB->getTemplate(rs); // Comparing thecurrent template. result = GrIdentify((char*)tptRef->_tpt,&score, GR_DEFAULT_CONTEXT); // Checking if the query templateand the reference template match. if(result == GR_MATCH) id =_DB->getId(rs);

GrBiometricDisplayReturns a displayable Windows bitmap handle(HBITMAP) to the supplied raw grayscale fingerprint image with itsminutiae, segments and minutiae direction drawn. Prerequisites TheFingerprint SDK library must have been previously initialized. Onsuccess, GR_OK is returned. On failure, the appropriate error codeis returned.

1 Griaule Biometrics 2009 Griaule Biometrics Fingerprint SDK and GrFinger are trademarks of Griaule Biometrics LTDA. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Manual Conventions Icons Definitions and Acronyms Icons The icons below indicate that a section applies to a specific integration type: DLL, ActiveX or Java application/applet. This icon indicates that the section applies to Fingerprint SDK DLL only. This icon indicates that the section applies to Fingerprint SDK ActiveX component only. This icon indicates that the section applies to Fingerprint SDK Java for Windows only. The icons below are used to get reader's attention to any important information. This icon usually gives hints to make something easier: learning, understanding, programming, deploying, etc. This icon is used to indicate a very important section that should not be skipped. This icon indicates a potential risk to system integrity, a risk of malfunctioning, etc. The section must not be skipped and you should read it carefully. Definitions and Acronyms IDE - An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software that assists programmers to develop software. It normally consists of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and (usually) a debugger. The Fingerprint SDK ActiveX Component can be used in many IDEs, like Microsoft Visual Studio and Borland Delphi. DLL - A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is a shared library used in Microsoft Windows. A single instance of a shared library can be used by many running programs without being replicated for each program, saving RAM and disk space. The Fingerprint SDK library can be used as a Windows DLL. SDK - A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of development tools, documents, libraries and/or sample codes that allows a programmer to create applications for a certain software package. The Fingerprint SDK allows a programmer to create applications with biometric capabilities. FRR - The False Rejection Rate (FRR) is defined as the percentage of identification instances in which false rejection occurs. It's normally expressed as a probability. FAR - The False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is the measure of the likelihood that the biometric security system will incorrectly accept an access attempt by an unauthorized user. DPI - The Dots per Inch (DPI) measure indicates the resolution of images. The more dots per inch, the higher the resolution. The DPI is an important information about fingerprint images, affecting both the image quality and matching accuracy. Template - A template is the feature set extracted from a fingerprint image. The verification and identification functions in Fingerprint SDK library works only with templates. Once the template is extracted the library doesn't need the fingerprint image anymore for any verification or identification process. Callback - The callback scheme is used in event-driven programs where the program registers a function (a "callback handler") to handle a certain event. The program does not call the handler directly: when the event 2ff7e9595c

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