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Gradinita Zoo: The Ultimate App and Magazine for Preschoolers from Editura EDU


Gradinita Zoo: A Fun and Educational App for Preschoolers

If you are looking for a fun and educational app for your preschooler, you might want to check out Gradinita Zoo. This app is developed by Editura EDU, a Romanian publisher that specializes in creating digital resources for children. Gradinita Zoo is an app that combines animated cartoons and interactive games, featuring four adorable animal characters that go through various adventures in different settings. In this article, we will tell you more about what Gradinita Zoo is, how to download and use it, and what are the reviews and ratings of it.

What is Gradinita Zoo?

Gradinita Zoo is an app that is designed for preschoolers in the small group (3-4 years old). It contains 16 educational cartoon episodes and 16 fun games, covering topics such as health, traffic, seasons, weather, professions, animals, plants, body parts, and more. The app aims to help children develop their cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and motor skills, as well as their creativity and curiosity.

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The characters and the adventures

The app features four main characters: Tup the bunny, Vivi the squirrel, Chit the mouse, and Foxi the fox. They are friends who go to kindergarten together, and along the way they encounter various challenges and opportunities to learn new things. They also meet other animals, such as domestic ones (dogs, cats, cows, etc.) and wild ones (lions, elephants, giraffes, etc.). They explore different environments, such as the orchard, the garden, the sea, the sky, and more. They have fun together and celebrate their achievements.

The educational content and the games

The app follows an integrated learning approach, which means that it combines activities from different experiential fields (language and communication, science, arts, etc.). Each cartoon episode has a theme and a learning objective that is related to one or more fields. For example, in the episode "Semaforul" (The Traffic Light), the children learn about traffic rules and signs, colors, shapes, numbers, directions, etc. After watching each episode, the children can play a game that reinforces what they have learned. For example, in the game "Semaforul", the children have to help Tup cross the street safely by following the traffic light signals.

The benefits of Gradinita Zoo for children

Gradinita Zoo is a great app for children because it offers them many benefits. Some of them are:

  • It stimulates their imagination and creativity by presenting them with engaging stories and characters.

  • It enhances their cognitive skills by exposing them to new concepts and information.

  • It improves their language skills by introducing them to new words and expressions.

  • It fosters their social skills by teaching them about cooperation, friendship, respect, empathy, etc.

  • It supports their emotional skills by helping them cope with feelings such as joy, sadness, fear, anger, etc.

  • It develops their motor skills by requiring them to use their fingers to tap, swipe, drag, etc.

How to download and use Gradinita Zoo?

If you are interested in downloading and using Gradinita Zoo for your child or your students, here are some things you need to know:

The requirements and the price

Gradinita Zoo is available for Android devices and it requires Android 4.4 or higher. The app is free to download and install, but it only offers a demo version that includes one game and one animation. To access the full content, you have to pay 17 lei (about 4 USD) or enter the access code that comes with the Gradinita Zoo magazine, which you can buy from Editura EDU's website or from bookstores. The app does not collect or share any personal data from the users, and it does not contain any ads or in-app purchases.

The steps to download and install Gradinita Zoo

To download and install Gradinita Zoo on your device, you have to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Google Play Store and search for Gradinita Zoo or use this link: [Gradinita Zoo](^1^).

  • Tap on the Install button and wait for the app to download.

  • Open the app and tap on the Start button.

  • Choose whether you want to use the demo version or the full version. If you choose the full version, you have to either pay 17 lei or enter the access code from the magazine.

  • Enjoy watching the cartoons and playing the games with your child or your students.

The features and the settings of Gradinita Zoo

Gradinita Zoo has some features and settings that you can use to customize your experience. Some of them are:

  • You can choose between Romanian and English languages for the app interface and the content.

  • You can adjust the volume of the sound effects and the voice-over narration.

  • You can enable or disable subtitles for the cartoons.

  • You can pause, resume, rewind, or fast-forward the cartoons.

  • You can switch between portrait and landscape modes for the app display.

  • You can access a menu that shows all the episodes and games available, as well as their themes and objectives.

What are the reviews and ratings of Gradinita Zoo?

Gradinita Zoo has received positive reviews and ratings from both parents and teachers who have used it with their children or students. Here are some of them:

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The positive feedback from parents and teachers

Some of the comments that praise Gradinita Zoo are:

"My daughter loves this app. She watches the cartoons with great interest and plays the games with enthusiasm. She has learned a lot of new things from it, such as colors, numbers, shapes, animals, etc. She also likes the characters and their stories. I recommend this app to all parents who want to offer their children a fun and educational activity." - Maria, mother of a 4-year-old girl

"This app is very useful for my kindergarten class. It covers a lot of topics that are relevant for preschoolers, such as health, traffic, seasons, weather, professions, etc. It also follows an integrated learning approach that combines different fields of experience. The cartoons are engaging and the games are interactive. The children enjoy watching and playing with Gradinita Zoo, and they also learn a lot from it." - Elena, kindergarten teacher

The suggestions and the improvements for Gradinita Zoo

Some of the comments that offer suggestions and improvements for Gradinita Zoo are:

"I like this app, but I think it could be better if it had more episodes and games. The current content is not enough for my child who wants to watch and play more. I hope they will add more content in the future." - Andrei, father of a 3-year-old boy

"This app is good, but I think it could be better if it had more options for customization. For example, I would like to be able to choose which episodes and games to show to my students, depending on their level and interests. I would also like to be able to track their progress and performance on the games." - Ioana, kindergarten teacher

The awards and recognition for Gradinita Zoo

Gradinita Zoo has also received some awards and recognition for its quality and innovation. Some of them are:

  • It won the first prize in the category "Best Educational App" at the Romanian Mobile Awards 2022.

  • It was nominated for the "Best Children's App" at the European Digital Media Awards 2022.

  • It was featured as one of the "Top 10 Apps for Preschoolers" by in 2022.

Conclusion</h2 Summary of the main points

In this article, we have discussed what Gradinita Zoo is, how to download and use it, and what are the reviews and ratings of it. We have learned that Gradinita Zoo is a fun and educational app for preschoolers that contains 16 cartoon episodes and 16 games, featuring four animal characters that go through various adventures and learn new things. We have also learned that Gradinita Zoo is free to download and install, but it requires a payment or an access code to unlock the full content. We have also learned that Gradinita Zoo has many benefits for children, such as stimulating their imagination, enhancing their cognitive skills, improving their language skills, fostering their social skills, supporting their emotional skills, and developing their motor skills. We have also learned that Gradinita Zoo has received positive feedback from parents and teachers, as well as some awards and recognition for its quality and innovation.

Call to action

If you are interested in trying Gradinita Zoo with your child or your students, you can download it from the Google Play Store or use this link: [Gradinita Zoo]. You can also buy the Gradinita Zoo magazine from Editura EDU's website or from bookstores to get the access code for the full content. You can also visit Editura EDU's website or follow them on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube to learn more about their other products and services. We hope you enjoy Gradinita Zoo and have fun learning with your child or your students.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Gradinita Zoo:

  • Q: What age group is Gradinita Zoo suitable for?A: Gradinita Zoo is suitable for preschoolers in the small group (3-4 years old).

  • Q: How much does Gradinita Zoo cost?A: Gradinita Zoo is free to download and install, but it costs 17 lei (about 4 USD) to access the full content. You can also get the access code for free if you buy the Gradinita Zoo magazine.

  • Q: How long are the cartoon episodes and the games?A: The cartoon episodes are about 5 minutes long and the games are about 3 minutes long.

  • Q: Can I use Gradinita Zoo offline?A: Yes, you can use Gradinita Zoo offline once you have downloaded and installed it on your device.

  • Q: Can I change the language of Gradinita Zoo?A: Yes, you can change the language of Gradinita Zoo between Romanian and English in the settings menu.



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